Thursday, August 30, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 8

BLERRRBBB Welcome to Episode 8 :D I've been playing the challenge a lot lately, because I'm saving up for future episodes....because I'm going back to school and I want to be able to throw together a chapter in a small amount of time. But why am I telling you guys all this?!?! These are trade secrets, goddamnit! On to the Episode. (I know I skipped one somewhere in there, so this is technically episode 9...shhhh)

After the wedding, all the guests decided to leave this mess out on the lawn....doesn't matter because we have a maid *Smirk*. Of course, said maid is slowly draining our limited funds, but It's completely worth it because everyone in the house refuses to clean up after themselves.

Yea, you may be eating that delicious red velvet wedding cake now, but you'll regret it later, when you've gorged yourself on too many goodies and are forced to live a sedentary life.

But wait! The family fortune may be saved because, what's that? Oh, it's just four whole bags of money that Mint grew on a tree. I take back whatever I said before, Mint. As long as you keep harvesting the dough, literally, we'll be set for many generations.

Her garden has grown in the past few weeks, now every space is taken up by a plant, and she grew her first perfect fruit.

Well this is certianly a traffic jam. Ice cream truck, what were you thinking?! These kids need to get to school asap, and now, thanks to you, they'll have to walk an extra 20 feet. God...

This is an accident waiting to happen. Actually, it'd be nice to write about something like a deadly school bus crash for a change.

Dammit, Maid. You're supposed to be cleaning the house. What are you even doing? Playing catch with a dead person?

Anyway, Forest's quest for that special someone ended abruptly one day when Jade brought home a friend from school. As usual, Forest had nothing better to do than to stop in his tracks and stare at her. *Note: if this female sim had not turned up at the doorstep at this opportune time, Forest would have most certainly been gay... but this was too perfect, and I'm lazy. :P ) 

Jade: "You better not try any funny business, Forest! I got my eye on you!"

At first he 'admired from afar'.

But then he discovered her in his room, mixing up some potions. 

"H-How did you get in here? My door is usually locked..."

"Oh, those padlocks? Ha! I disolved them with sulfuric acid! You won't be needing them anymore."

So Forest did what any other rational person would, he pulled some flowers out of his arse and hoped for the best. 

"Please don't kill me..."

Well it obviously worked, and Forest got his first girlfriend. And probably his last, because I don't see any other sims offering themselves up at him. (Her name is, I kid you not, Haeju Dube)

Haeju had a mostly positive affect on Forest; he took up painting...

And playing on his pink

Soon enough, with all of her children well beyond childhood, it was time for Mint to become an adult. Since she was a gardener, she decided to spend her birthday at the science museum, and thus subjugated the entire family to a very boring tour of the place.

Afterwards, they headed over the the rail car diner for a bite to eat.

It was too late, though! Mint thought something along the lines of "screw it" and decided to have her birthday right then and there.

Hasta la vista, Mint. need a new hairstyle :D

Okay, confession time, this is where Nick really died. (I put that other thing in earlier for literally purposes. ;D)

Blub, old age, looks about right.

The mood suddenly went from 'feelin like a million bucks', to '50 below zero'. Thanks a lot, Nick...

He pleaded with grim...

but his pleas were in vain. 

"Son, I gotta lot of people to 'see' tonight. If ya catch my drift. I don't have time for your whining! If ya got a complaint you can register it with the big man upstairs. Now your comin' with me!"

Forest, as usual, didn't give a damn his father had just died. He had a GPA to maintain.

Mint did, however, care. She cared a great deal...and she had to sleep in one of the spare beds for a while.

The next morning was Nick's funeral. Mint wore all black and sunglasses. Maybe it was sunny, or maybe she didn't want anyone to see the tears.

Either way, Juniper, Jade, and Forest all gathered in the Lemon-Lime family plot at the graveyard to say their final goodbyes.

Nick was the first to be buried there...they left flowers by his grave.

In a strange, but totally expected turn of events, everyone decided to go have a swim in the graveyard pool right then. There is no shame in this family. No shame at all.

All except Jade...she knows how to properly mourn someone.

Look at that :( It's actually her birthday that day, so this was pretty harsh. He wouldn't get to see her become an adult after all.

And after she'd cried for a bit, she, of course, joined the rest of her family in the pool.

And I leave you with this.... God, you guys, people probably drown in that pool!

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