Friday, August 17, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 3

Not much about the cats this time...we're still waiting on Daisy's new litter. 

Anyway, when the weekend rolled around, Nick wasn't just going to sit around and go about his daily routine, like he usually did. Instead, he piled everyone, minus baby Forest, into the car and took them to the park.

That day also happened to be Juniper's birthday, so the family would be celebrating later that night.

Juniper headed straight for the trampoline, and spent a good couple of hours jumping to her heart's content.

Jade, meanwhile, was displaying her architectural prowess in the form of another sand castle masterpiece... Sadly, no one really seemed to care. 

Nick was busy playing a game of portable Gnubb against himself...

And Mint was engaged in a staring contest with a mouse for most of the morning. She's an outdoors person, though, so everyone let it slide. 

That may of had something to do with the fact that she had not taken a bath or shower for days. No one really wanted to go near her.

About mid afternoon, Juniper got a call from none other than Eloy Jones-Brown. She asked him if he wanted to come to her birthday celebration later that night. He said yes right away, and they spent the rest of the afternoon chatting away. The trampoline was left abandoned behind her.

Nick was still enjoying his Gnubb, having won his 6th straight game against himself.

And Jade's building skills seemed to have *somewhat* improved.

Mint got on the trampoline after Juniper left, and promptly sent trails of stink spiraling through the air. It was to everyone's relief when dinner time rolled around.

The party was at the expensive bistro in the heart of town. Juniper's parents were treating her to a special by spending some of their hard earned money. It was two days of Nick's retirement checks just for dinner alone.

It was worth it, though, because Juniper spent the last night of her childhood surrounded by her two best friends. They all ate hot dogs outside while the adults dined inside. And I swear, Juniper and Eloy could not keep their eyes off each other. 

Meanwhile, back at the house, everyone had forgotten poor old Forest, who celebrated his birthday with only the baby sitter for company. Oh well, I'm sure no one had any regrets. He wouldn't even remember it in a couple years, anyway.

Both girls spent some time playing pretend, before Juniper and Eloy got some time to themselves at their own table.

She looks really happy. 

And then in was time for her birthday! Everyone at the party clapped and cheered, as Juniper Lemon-Lime spun around...

...into a beautiful young woman. 

Then it was time for Eloy to age up too, since they shared a birthday.

Quite a handsome fellow ;)

Juniper wasted no time in having her first kiss and asking Eloy to be her boyfriend. He accepted right away, but had to get home before his curfew, cutting their time short.

Juniper watched him go with a goofy smile on her face. It had been a pretty good day for her.

Meanwhile, it was an old folks reunion over here. All three of them spent the entire time fighting, but Nick ended up having a lot of fun while doing it. It's good for him to hang out with people his own age. He's probably known them since childhood.

Once both Juniper and Forest aged up, it fell to Juniper to care for her younger brother. Nick was getting quite old now, and Mint still hated children with a passion. She spent most of her time in her garden, or with her cats. It was fine, of course, because that garden was the only thing keeping them afloat. Juniper would have to get a part time job soon enough.

It was clear, even when he was a toddler, that Forest would look exactly like his dad. Nothing against Nick, but it looks like Jade really lucked out in the genetics department.

I gave Juniper a new hairstyle. It's all braided now, and it adds some excitement to her face. Not that she needs it because she already has a lovely boyfriend and caring family. Well, sort of caring family. They're a bit dysfunctional, I'll admit.

The next morning, Jade got up early. Last night, after a couple drinks, her mother had let slip about the genetics challenge. Jade was the heir to something bigger than just herself. Something that spanned generations. Mint hadn't meant to tell her until she was older, and was ready the responsibility.

However, little Jade thought she could take it now. She set out on her bicycle in the early morning light,  determined to do her part.

And that's where we'll end this chapter! Thank you all for reading, and look out tomorrow for the next installment. 


  1. Hello, haven't spoken to you in a while.

    I think I'm getting the hang of what a genetics challenge is (I've seen the name before, but never read about them, I'm not much of a legacy reader) You seem to have a rather devious mind, and there was a brilliant Woody Allen moment last chapter that I found quite amusing (a reflection of my warped sense of humour) Well done.

    And is your eye playing up still? That's not something you want to ignore...

  2. Poida!!! Long time no see, eh? I suppose I should of done a better introduction. A genetics challenge is where you try to keep the same hair color and eye color in your sim family for 10 generations. But I'm only doing it for 5 because I'll just get bored with 10.

    I too, am a fan of Woody Allen :D And no, my eye is much better now. :D :D
