Thursday, August 16, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 1.5

Yay! I had saved for the first time literally seconds before everything crashed! So nothing was lost! Aw, such good luck. :D Anyway, lets get on with the rest of the chapter. *I've decided to do an unknown number of chapters for the generations because I didn't realize how long it would take to have a perfect genetics child. :/*

We left off when Mint found out she was pregnant, and Nick decided to play chess in his free time...

Shortly before their first child was born, Mint convinced Nick to be her boyfriend. I mean, she didn't want to have her child born when her parents were simply lovers.

She was so happy. Just look at that face C:

In the meantime, she got started on her garden. With Nick nearing his old age, and the last of his fortune almost spent, the garden would become their primary source of income.

And in a happy moment, Mint proposed to Nick right before their first daughter was born. They were now, officially, fiance and fiancee.

Nick looks pretty happy about that, despite the fact that he keeps getting wishes to hang out with his old wife. Oh Nick, you'll learn with time.

The next night, Mint woke up with a horrible pain in her belly. The baby was coming! As usual, Nick went on playing computer games and the cats went on doing whatever they were doing. This is the only family I've ever had that doesn't freak out about anything!

Several grueling hours later, Mint delivered her first child. She named her Juniper. And, because Mint hates children, she promptly got a negative moodlet and deposited Juniper in her crib.

Meanwhile, the cats, who had been sleeping at the house next door for some reason, celebrated Baxtor's birthday. He was now, officially, an adult Kitty...which meant...

...that the last of Nick's fortune was spent on a cat house/area, and a lovely place for the pets to raise a family. *hint hint*

Here's a picture of Juniper in her crib, she has a low relationship with her mother and I've been trying to get her to spend the least amount of time with her until she's a teen and Mint can stand to be around her. 

On another note, Baxtor and Daisy disappeared into the cat house for some R&R. 

Things must have been getting pretty steamy in there because when they came out, Daisy was preggers and they both felt the need to tidy themselves up. ;D

Did I mention Mint hates kids? Nick was either working or sleeping all day and all night, so the task of caring for Juniper fell to Mint. Who promptly neglected her until all her needs were in the red and I was forced to make her call a babysitter before Juniper was taken away by the social worker! 

The baby sitter gave Juniper some much needed TLC, but kept getting into fights with Mint. I guess she was jealous...maybe?

Daisy, still pregnant, scratchin' away at her scratching post :)

I finally forced Mint to spend some time with her baby before she aged up.

So I had her take Juniper on a walk while they were waiting for Nick to get home. Juniper fell asleep, so it was alright.

Then, when Nick returned from work, Mint brought Juniper to the cake and helped her blow out the candles. (Then put her on the floor and forgot about her, I might add ;D) 

And suddenly, Juniper was a toddler...and apparently not the heir. :( Brown hair and Brown eyes all the way. She looks like a clone of her father. Guess it's not one and done for Mint. 

Nick loved spending time with his daughter though. He was sad that he wouldn't get to be around her most of her life, so he read her one last bedtime story...

And spun around to age up into an elder. All with his head in a doorframe -_-

He decided that the high earning jobs were not for him, and retired from his level 7 doctor job to spend more time at home with the kids and his wife.  Some random neighborhood teenagers showed up to help him celebrate. Seems like Nick is embracing his wild side. Heh heh.

Mint still spent most of her days in their growing garden, trying to scrap out a living just to pay their bills and a babysitter.

And Daisy had her kittens! A litter of two, but not the perfect genetic pair, so it was back to the doghouse for her and baxtor. (Their names are henry and budge)

Daddy Nick took his new job seriously and taught Juniper all of her skills with no help at all from little miss 'I hate children".

Finally, after long last, Mint and Nick got married. I mean, he might die any day, right? Gotta be prepared. 

I don't know if any of you noticed, but Mint was pregnant again. And this time she went into labor in her garden.

No one screamed and no one shouted and Mint delivered a beautiful baby girl all by herself, with only her cats as company. 

Daddy cared for his new daughter...

As well as his old daughter by bringing her to the cake when it was time for her birthday.

Juniper Lemon-Lime. Due to dwindling funds, she had to sleep in a sleeping bag... in the nursery.

And I didn't get the time to assign her some new outfits before the schoolbus picked her up for the first day of school.

And to end the chapter, Daisy had another kitten. (We're getting closer :D)

Here is a picture of said kitten and Boxtor, playing together <3

I'll see you guys next time! 

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