Thursday, August 16, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 2

Bleh. Hello again. Something really weird is happening to me; I can't see anything on my left side... it's really wired, so if there are strange typos in this. Don't worry, I'm not loosing my mind, I'm just going blind.

So without further ado: Episode Two (Josh, I'm just full of these rhymes today!)

Because Daisy's purrfect genetics challenge had yet to bare any fruit, and the house was full  of kittens, I was forced to put Budge and Henry up for adoption. :( They will be missed. 

Henry didn't seem to cut up about it, anyway. He never stopped smiling, even when he was carted off by the social worker who came to get him.

Meanwhile, Juniper surprised everyone by coming home with a boy. His name is Eloy Jones-Brown. I've decided that he would make a pretty good husband for Juniper. 

Out in the garden, Mint learned she was pregnant again. You always gotta be careful with those kids. You never know which one will be the heir. 

There's Budge being carted away. Not as happy as Henry, but I'm sure they'll find good homes.

As it turns out, the new baby (Whose name I neglected to mention last time. It's Jade.) aged up with perfect genetics, making her the heir to the Lemon-Lime fortune. Unfortunately, there was no fortune anymore and the repo man came twice before her first birthday. 

The kitten, who was born last chapter, Snowball, was constantly sitting in front of the TV watching romance movies. I thought it best to leave the cats to do whatever...

The same went with Nick. Besides making babies and taking care of them, he really had nothing else to do in his old age. So I sent him out on random money making opportunities. I found him hear, with practically the whole town on the block, listening to a ghost story from none other that Eloy Jones-Brown. Smooth move, Eloy. Befriending the father of the girl you will one day marry. Very smooth. 

Mint wasn't completely without love for her heir. Here, she woke up in the middle of the night to tickle her. Although she may be torturing her, I can't tell.

I decided it was time for Juniper to get an upgrade. She was absolutely miserable when school rolled around because she wasn't getting enough sleep. So I ditched the sleeping bag and bought her a nice unicorn bed. Even if she didn't have a proper room, she could at least have a nice bed. 

Juniper was doing much better after a good night's sleep and even gave her sister a hug before Jade was  put to bed for her morning nap.

When Nick hit 80, I noticed he was getting a bit slow. His days are definitely numbered now. I only hope he lives long enough to see his last child through infancy. Mint would probably accidentally kill the baby from neglect! Anyway, I had him start using his cane. He walks like a southern gentleman, rather than an 80 year old man! :D

Despite his age, he still loves his youngest child :) Aww...he could be her grandfather :/

Not his youngest anymore... Mint went into labor, for the third and final time, in the garden.

Forest Lemon-Lime, welcome to the family. 

Not to be outdone, Jade stole all of her daddy's attention when I learned that she only had one more day till aging up, and didn't have any skills! Nick was right on the case and she made it through with all of her skills.

Mint, still paying no attention to anyone. Juniper, forced to get her own cereal in the mornings before school. She finally made it on the honor roll after I got her that new bed, though. And she did it all while *talking to friends*.

Daisy had another kitten. He's named Nova. 

But that ment that Snowball had to go. :( He was my favorite. 

There wasn't much fanfare when he left. I think everyone was a little sad.

Just showing what a good mother Mint is, she carted her daughter out into the middle of the yard and just left her there until Nick brought her in. 

Fortunatley, it was her birthday, so she didn't have to wait long. Nick brought her to the cake and helped her blow out the candles. Happy Birthday! 

The two sisters next to each other. They look like complete opposites. 

I tried to stick with a color scheme when it came to Jade...but her bed just ended up looking really evil. Oh well...

The little kitten Nova...just before I out him up for adoption as well. Daisy only has one or two litters left in her, and I need to make sure one of the kittens has purrfect genetics.

If no one adopts snowshoe by the time I have a purrfect Kitten, I'll adopt him back and give him to one of the spares to take with them when they move out. ^_^ He's so cute.

So that's it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! I feel like s**t right now, so I think I'll go to bed early....

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