Friday, August 31, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 9

Big things are happening in the Lemon-Lime household.... and you'll just have to read the episode to find out >;D (I love these page break things) *Corrected a typo 9/3/12

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 8

BLERRRBBB Welcome to Episode 8 :D I've been playing the challenge a lot lately, because I'm saving up for future episodes....because I'm going back to school and I want to be able to throw together a chapter in a small amount of time. But why am I telling you guys all this?!?! These are trade secrets, goddamnit! On to the Episode. (I know I skipped one somewhere in there, so this is technically episode 9...shhhh)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

That Idiot Next Door

I know approx.. none of you live in the USA (that's right you little shits, I know who you are O.O) but I'd like to talk about the republican national convention for a little while, so please excuse my ranting.

First of all, the republicans are like that lovable idiot next door, who always answers the question: What do you want to be when you grow up, with: I want to be the president of the united states; the greatest fucking country in the world. Would you take someone like that seriously? Well, how about he gets to congress...he's in the minority, right, he couldn't possibly get anything done, not to mention the fact that his ideas and policies are counter-productive.

Well that same lovable idiot shows up with a gun and threatens to shoot some innocent citizens the next day, and the next thing you know he's just the idiot next door who might actually change things. For the worse. So he gets a following....and you're scared. Because you have this irrational guy who thinks he knows what he's doing, but actually has no fucking clue.

They aren't interested in helping the every person. They're interested in helping themselves...and maybe a select few friends. When you run for an office in the united states, you shouldn't do it for any other reason than to help people. You are they're leader, and it's about time the republicans act like it. You know the reason people either love them, or really, really hate them? It's because half the people are uneducated about important issues in this country, and the rest of their supporters are educated enough to know where their  best interests are. (Well, just a little dose of reality here, you aren't in office to protect your interests, you're there to protect the american people's.) Oh, and the rest of the country knows enough about the difference between right and wrong to make a good decision come election day.

The governor of New Jersey may be good at making speeches, but he really was one to talk. If you listen carefully, you'll notice that most of the things he said were all fluff, and not supported by actual facts...let alone records from his own party. The thing is, you can talk about destiny all you like, but if you don't give specifics on how to get there, you're going to end up sounding like a bad self help book. The RNC has been filled with generics that neither define party standings nor present any actual plans. I'd like to here something that couldn't be applied to any situation imaginable, please.

On the surface it may be easy to get into that mindset; that way of thinking, but dig a little deeper and you will see a house of cards, waiting to be topled by simply the use of reason and logic. No, it didn't work the last time around, and no, you didn't build that.


Does anyone else find this irresistibly catchy?

I've never even heard of this show...but I'ts sooo catchy!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Are You Happy?

"We can't be together."
"Why not?"
"...because." There was silence. "I'm sorry. I let you in. I never let anyone in." I turned, pulling myself out of his arms. I didn't look back, just started walking. I'm sure he was still standing there...

Genetics Challenge Episode 7

Graduation fell on the same day as the wedding. Juniper walked up the sidewalk, headed for city hall. Her graduation robes were heavy. She spent every minute wishing it was over; there were more important things to do.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 6

yea, yea, I know it's been a while. This one's probably going to be broken up into two chapters....and then it's practically the end of generation one! I know, I'm not that sad either. (I don't know if you guys know this, but Mint's always been a little 'off', If ya know what I mean. ) (no, that's not what I mean... never mind ;D )

So, without further ado...Episode 6.

Just a little bit strange...

Can somebody please tell me why the most redirects to my blog are from a porn site?? Somebody???? Also Russia... whoever you are, do you live in Russia??? Anyway, this is the internet, I'm not even surprised. :D :D Thank you all for reading :) From where ever you are!

The Quadruple Digits

Guess what guys, it took 2 years and a lot of lame posts, but I finally hit 1000 hits. Yea, yea, it seems like even the most ridiculous blog has over ten thousand, but I'm blaming the 6 month hiatus I took.... that's gotta be it. Also, the internet robots. They're working against me. I'm just going to have to send my Gnome army against them, and even I can't really control them when they get going.

If you couldn't tell, it's very early in the morning, and I have just had a glass of caffeine... I'll be going to sleep now. :D :D :D :D

The Lines That Blur

Sam looked  up from her laptop. She was just getting to the good part of her story, and she really needed to keep writing. She hoped the doctor wouldn't stay long.

"Hi...Sam. How are you feeling." He asked, approaching her tentatively.

"Not great," She shrugged and gave him a grudging smile, "I have my work cut out for me, though." She said, gesturing at the laptop. It rested on her lap, and typing put her head at a bad angle. She was starting to feel the pain, now, but she was determined to keep it together, at least until Dr. Kauffman left. She propped herself up a little more, and tried to adjust her pillows.

"Allow me," said Dr. Kauffman, adjusting her hospital bed for her. Sam hadn't always been a full time resident of Grace Lee Memorial Hospital, not until a few weeks ago, at least. Her heart had taken a turn for the worst. It had never been that great in the first place; she'd had several valves put in at age nine. They were supposed to replace her regular veins, because they weren't pumping enough blood...or something like that. No one had really taken the time to explain to her. Something had happened again, now, ten years later, on the eve of her 20th birthday.

Apparently she had collapsed one day at breakfast, though she didn't remember anything before waking up in the hospital. It was a horrible place to live; the air was always cold, and there were always various  machines beeping away and making it hard to sleep. She sighed. The doctors had told her that something was wrong with one of the valves. Her heart rate was up, and only a steady drip from the IV kept it down in the normal range. Dr. Kauffman was here to tell her something, though. He never just walked in spontaneously. He wasn't a very spur of the moment man.

"We need to run another MRI, just too be sure that's the problem," He was saying, "and once we've confirmed it, we'll go in and fix you up." He finished with a smile.

"Does this mean I'm going to have to have another operation," Sam asked with a worried look on her face. She didn't like operations. Just one more scar, she thought sadly.

"Unfortunately, yes." Dr. Kauffman replied, pressing his lips together. "I know it's difficult, Sam, but we're doing everything we can to make it easier on you. On tuesday you'll go in for the MRI, and on thursday, if we get the green light, we'll do the, er, procedure. You'll close your eyes, and wake up here. It'll be over before you know it."

"That's great, Dr. Kauffman." She deadpanned. "Do you know if my family is coming to visit today?" This was a much more interesting topic. She'd wanted to talk to her sister; arrange some things with her.

"They haven't told me anything about today, but I'm pretty sure they'll swing by tomorrow morning to see you," he said with a smile.

Sam smiled back; it'd been a while since their last visit.

"Well, I'll leave you to it," Dr. Kauffman said, glancing at her computer.

"Yea, uh, thanks," She finished lamely. She was never sure what to say to Dr. Kauffman when he left. It was why she always dreaded him coming in. Not to mention the fact that he nearly always brought bad news. She'd welcome the day when the only thing he'd say was that she could go home.

Just a few more days, Sam," she told herself, "and then it will all be over." It was a shame about her family not coming today, she thought as she turned back to her work, she really missed them.

She hit enter on the keyboard to start a new line of dialogue. Blogging, and the stories she wrote, were a main part of keeping her hopes up in the hospital. It was a rather depressing place, she thought. Just a few more days.

Her writing was more important than ever now, she felt so dedicated to it, like she had a duty to herself and to her fans to keep going, but she was still trying to get over some writers block. "You're not going to write yourself, are you?" She asked the computer. "Yea, I thought not." She scribbled down a line, then deleted it. Nothing felt right anymore. Maybe it was the sudden tightness in her chest? Yes, it was definitely tighter than before.

"Nurse!" She took the deepest breath she could and yelled for help. Someone was there, trying to help her lie down, but it was all fading. Each breath was shallower than the last. "I'm scared," was her last thought before the blackness closed in on her, "what if I don't wake up?" Her question went unanswered.

Friday, August 24, 2012


blubbb.... school is starting in about a week... meh. I've actually gotten used to, and like, doing nothing all day. It's not that bad, really. Anyway, back to the days of no sleep and 6 hour homework assignments. Meh. Anyway, I've pulled it together and gotten out my sims game long enough to get some serious updates done. So expect new episodes coming soon. :D And if you're wondering what that counter in the side bar is counting down to, it's - naaawwwww.... I'm not going to tell you that yet :D :D :D

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Lonely (Genetics Challenge)

"You know that I love you, right?" Nick whispered in my ear as we lay in bed one night.

"And I love you." I replied.

He took a deep breath in and out. "Mint, you gave me another chance at life. Three beautiful children."

"Of course, but why are you saying this?"

"Mint, I love you. But please be happy. After I'm gone."

"Don't talk about that. Not here. Not now."

"If I don't say it I'll never say it!" He said, almost angrily. Then broke down into a fit of coughing. I regretted my words almost immediately.

"Don't worry, honey, we'll find a cure. Soon."

"It'll be too late." He swallowed. "I'm too old. I..." his voice broke, "can't even count on waking up in the morning."

"It's okay. I love you." I put my arms around him. It would be okay, wouldn't it?

"Mint, tell the children that I love them. Please. When I'm gone. Tell them about me...if they don't remember."

"I will." Tears were tracing paths down my cheeks. "I don't want you to go."

"I remember when we first met." He said. "You came up to me at the gym...and you didn't stop talking until we were best friends." He paused, "You remember that?"

"Yea. I remember. I remember everything."

"You hated kids. You wouldn't go near Juniper for weeks."

"But I came around."

"Yea, you came around, and now she's ... a beautiful young woman." He paused again, "You guys 'll be fine without me." A gasp escaped him. Then a tear. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too. I love you."

"I love you."


Dancing slowly in an empty room
can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quite lullaby
let you go and let the lonely in
to take my heart again?

Nothing. I felt nothing. Nick, my husband, was gone. I sat at the kitchen table. All of this was his. He had lived here. Loved here. Died here. I needed to leave; to get away.

I ran out of the room, senseless. Knocking things over. I didn't bother to look back. It didn't matter anyway. I ran. and ran. and ran. There was no where I could go to escape. It followed me. The loneliness.

I didn't sleep, I didn't eat. I couldn't talk to anyone. The pain was too much. No one would ever be equal. No one would ever measure up to the kindness and caring that was Nick. No one.

My daughters took me to therapy. I slowly got better. But the loneliness, the longing, it was always there. In the back of my mind. Sometimes I felt it more acutely than others. But when those times came, Juniper or Jade, or even Forest, were there to support me. Nick was the one who'd blessed me. Not the other way around. I had three beautiful children, and it was all because I him. They helped to heal my broken heart.

[Rip Nick Knack, you will be missed]

"I love you, Daddy."

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm going to Roma!!



I am so thankful that this amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity came around at a time like this. The trip will be very expensive, but I'll get the chance to play (violin) in some of Rome's famous...or not so famous concert halls. FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK! Asdkajshdsal! This is amazing. I never thought this could actually happen.

That's right bitches. City of amazingness, here I come. :D :D 

* Certain words used for exclamatory purposes only. Used to convey the author's excitement.*

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 5

Wow, I got distracted by the internet today. O.o Why must The Oatmeal be so hilarious? Anyway, It appears that Nick is still pushin' on through. Thus, you shall not require the tissues just yet. (Yea, I let the cat outta the box. The sad event you need to prepare for is Nick's death. It also helps to listen to really depressing music.)

Anyway, I got a bit carried away there. Let's begin Episode 5.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 4

So, it turns out that you will not be needing that box of tissues after all... namely because a certain sim did not die today. So I guess that's one thing to be happy about. Or sad, if your me and have been planning a dramatic event for a while now. Anyway, a bunch of good things did happen this episode, so please, read on.

Remember that really important thing which Jade really needed to do? Turns out it was a vist to the salon to get some hair dye. Why do you have to be the heir just because of your hair color. Why couldn't it be...somebody else?

It really wasn't destined to go as planned. 

For one thing, she got the wrong color dye... Juniper was pretty upset by it, though. Prom was coming up later that week, and Eloy still hadn't asked her.

Daisy had another batch of kittens. I don't even know how many litters that is now. She's almost to elder, too. Anyway...I've completely forgotten their names at the moment. I'll remember them next chapter. 

Juniper decided to make herself a midnight snack after that mishap in the shower. She deserves something special, anyway, for being like a mother to Forest. You'll find out more about that in just a second.

Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure Nick's cane is stuck to his hand for good. That, or he just likes spanking himself. Who knows, he's probably going crazy in his old age anyway. 

Remember how I said no one gave a shit about forest. Yea, well this is the second time I've found him on the floor like this. The entire family, upon realizing that Jade was the heir, decided that Forest could do whatever the hell he wanted. But they weren't going to give a damn either way. He didn't learn any skills, they didn't even remember to feed him. It's scary, the kind of neglect thats been going on.... I've definitely got nothing to do with it. 

Yup, it's stuck to his hand, all right. "Oh, hand on a second. Let me just force feed myself steel llama."

Juniper's boy toy came over almost everyday, and they look pretty happy together so I'm not going to do anything to mess this up.

And it seems Eloy's got a bit of a girly streak in him. I discovered him like this around one in the morning after everyone else had gone to bed. Just sittin thar on the couch...minding his own business....

Someone finally fed Forest...

Just in time for his birthday. I dunno, there's something about this kid that just makes me want to smack him. I blame my hate of little kids on the sims!

And this has got to be the dirtiest toilet I have ever seen. God, how do they live with this astrocity?! It's too bad they're too poor to hire a maid, because even though Nick has the neat trait, no one ever bothers to do any cleaning until things like this turn up.

Yay! Daisy had another litter.

AND....THIS IS IT, FOLKS! The purrfect genetics challenge is officially into Generation two!!! Generation one is complete! Wow, I've been able to stick with this a lot longer than I thought.And after taking a second look at this picture, little Chiquita looks rather terrifying. What have I gotten myself into? (Yes, I named her Chiquita. :D )

Mint, after becoming estranged from both her children during their infancy, no seeks out some bonding time with Jade.

Yup, Jade is definitely psychopath material.

Then again, so is Forest. It's his own fault, not mine, I swear!

And that is where I'll leave you. With a picture of a mound of dirt. Just kidding, this will one day become a money tree, and the bane of existence for people like the Lemon-Limes, who spent all their money too soon. It looks like this gardening thing will actually spawn some legit money. I couldn't of called that one.

I apologize for the shortness of this chapter, and the lateness, too. It was late afternoon before I realized that I had another chapter to do. (This is why I'm bad at legacies.) And I really didn't have the patience for playing sims today. But I promise, tomorrow's going to be a lot more interesting (because, hopefully, Nick will kick the bucket.) Oh god, I'm horrible. :D

Friday, August 17, 2012

Get your box of tissues ready.

Get out your tissues for this one. I just finished writing a bit of story for my genetics challenge, because I felt it needed that extra boost. Also, I was really bored. It's about a very sad event. Can you guess what? Well, I'll leave you to wondering. Just have your tissue boxes prepared tomorrow. >;D

Genetics Challenge Episode 3

Not much about the cats this time...we're still waiting on Daisy's new litter. 

Anyway, when the weekend rolled around, Nick wasn't just going to sit around and go about his daily routine, like he usually did. Instead, he piled everyone, minus baby Forest, into the car and took them to the park.

That day also happened to be Juniper's birthday, so the family would be celebrating later that night.

Juniper headed straight for the trampoline, and spent a good couple of hours jumping to her heart's content.

Jade, meanwhile, was displaying her architectural prowess in the form of another sand castle masterpiece... Sadly, no one really seemed to care. 

Nick was busy playing a game of portable Gnubb against himself...

And Mint was engaged in a staring contest with a mouse for most of the morning. She's an outdoors person, though, so everyone let it slide. 

That may of had something to do with the fact that she had not taken a bath or shower for days. No one really wanted to go near her.

About mid afternoon, Juniper got a call from none other than Eloy Jones-Brown. She asked him if he wanted to come to her birthday celebration later that night. He said yes right away, and they spent the rest of the afternoon chatting away. The trampoline was left abandoned behind her.

Nick was still enjoying his Gnubb, having won his 6th straight game against himself.

And Jade's building skills seemed to have *somewhat* improved.

Mint got on the trampoline after Juniper left, and promptly sent trails of stink spiraling through the air. It was to everyone's relief when dinner time rolled around.

The party was at the expensive bistro in the heart of town. Juniper's parents were treating her to a special by spending some of their hard earned money. It was two days of Nick's retirement checks just for dinner alone.

It was worth it, though, because Juniper spent the last night of her childhood surrounded by her two best friends. They all ate hot dogs outside while the adults dined inside. And I swear, Juniper and Eloy could not keep their eyes off each other. 

Meanwhile, back at the house, everyone had forgotten poor old Forest, who celebrated his birthday with only the baby sitter for company. Oh well, I'm sure no one had any regrets. He wouldn't even remember it in a couple years, anyway.

Both girls spent some time playing pretend, before Juniper and Eloy got some time to themselves at their own table.

She looks really happy. 

And then in was time for her birthday! Everyone at the party clapped and cheered, as Juniper Lemon-Lime spun around...

...into a beautiful young woman. 

Then it was time for Eloy to age up too, since they shared a birthday.

Quite a handsome fellow ;)

Juniper wasted no time in having her first kiss and asking Eloy to be her boyfriend. He accepted right away, but had to get home before his curfew, cutting their time short.

Juniper watched him go with a goofy smile on her face. It had been a pretty good day for her.

Meanwhile, it was an old folks reunion over here. All three of them spent the entire time fighting, but Nick ended up having a lot of fun while doing it. It's good for him to hang out with people his own age. He's probably known them since childhood.

Once both Juniper and Forest aged up, it fell to Juniper to care for her younger brother. Nick was getting quite old now, and Mint still hated children with a passion. She spent most of her time in her garden, or with her cats. It was fine, of course, because that garden was the only thing keeping them afloat. Juniper would have to get a part time job soon enough.

It was clear, even when he was a toddler, that Forest would look exactly like his dad. Nothing against Nick, but it looks like Jade really lucked out in the genetics department.

I gave Juniper a new hairstyle. It's all braided now, and it adds some excitement to her face. Not that she needs it because she already has a lovely boyfriend and caring family. Well, sort of caring family. They're a bit dysfunctional, I'll admit.

The next morning, Jade got up early. Last night, after a couple drinks, her mother had let slip about the genetics challenge. Jade was the heir to something bigger than just herself. Something that spanned generations. Mint hadn't meant to tell her until she was older, and was ready the responsibility.

However, little Jade thought she could take it now. She set out on her bicycle in the early morning light,  determined to do her part.

And that's where we'll end this chapter! Thank you all for reading, and look out tomorrow for the next installment.