Saturday, September 15, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 14

It was my grandfather's 92nd birthday today! :D And amazingly, he's not a vegetable! WoaW!

You can pretend you didn't read all that randomness...unless, of're into that sort of thing....if ya know what I mean. >;D (I'm just kidding....don't get any ideas).

WELL. This chapter isn't going to write it's self. Read on!

Tom loved his son, he really did; at heart, he was a family man through and through. He didn't spend a lot of time with him, though, because he reminded Tom of Jade. And Tom didn't want to think about her ever again. I knew he was right about her cheating; he had heard it from Curious himself whilst he was shopping for groceries one day. The only thing left to do was to pick a place to go when he moved out.

The next morning, Jade went down to breakfast rather late. She'd been up very late, of couse, and, hoping to avoid Tom until he calmed down, she had been in no rush to get downstairs. Tom, however was there at the table, reading god knows what. The maid was there, however, and Jade was able to get by without too much trouble. Unless, of course, you count not eating breakfast.

Apparently, in addition to sitting around in his underwear, Tom wasn't doing anything around the house either. Well, if Jade couldn't eat breakfast, at least the cats could.

Meanwhile, Harvey Aged up.

He was not genetically perfect; there would have to be more children. What was Jade going to do? She didn't have many options! It was either make nice with Tom, which he didn't seem to be in the mood for, or find another husband. 

The next morning Jade got up with a mission. She would talk to Tom today; two days was long enough for him to be sulking.

There was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Jade called wearily.
"It's me," said Tom. He came in without waiting for her to come to the door. His false smile made her a little uneasy.
"Tom...I've been-
"We need to talk."
"That's just what I was about to-"

He cut her off. "Don't you get it, Jade! You don't get any second chances! We can't 'work this out'."

"Well I don't see you trying to! You claim you love me, but you're ready to pick up and leave the moment you hear anything about me and another guy! Did you ever stop to consider the possibility that it might not be true?!?!"

OF COURSE I DID! I'M NOT THE FOOL YOU THINK I AM, JADE! You betrayed my trust, and my love, and I can't be with someone like you. I thought we were going to be together forever, but I guess not."

"You- you're leaving?"


"What about Harvey?"

"He's your problem now," said Tom, sneering, "but then again, you'd probably have to give him up because you don't know the first thing about caring for children!"

"Don't. Say that. He's your son as well. You are abandoning your own son, and he will grow up never knowing that he had a father who loved him! Is that what you want?" There was no reply, "I'm sorry things didn't work out, Tom. I still want to make this work. You give up so easily. It's like you've made up your mind before you've even heard my side of the story."

"I'm sorry too."

"But you deserve every little insult that comes your way, you bitch."

And he left Jade in a stunned silence. 

"Get out of my way, woman." Tom was gathering a bag of money from the money tree.

"On the contrary, Tom, that's my money you're stealing and I will not hesitate to press charges. Put it down." Tom put the money down.

"You're more foolish than I thought, Tom. She loves you very much, and you just don't see it. You claim to be in love with her. Well if you are, you've got a right nasty way of showing it. Believe everything you hear off the streets, do you? You haven't even considered anything else, have you?"

Tom didn't speak or look her in the eye.

"If that's the case, you'll be doing us a favor. I thought Jade knew what she was doing when she married you, but for some reason I don't know anymore. You're being real stupid right now, Tom. You're blind to what really matters."

Tom still did not say anything.

"Where are you going?" 

"Out." Jade said coldly, "Shouldn't you be packing?"

Jade had something to do, and she wasn't going to let Tom get in her way. "I...." he started to say, but Jade slammed the door of her taxi before he could finish.

I'm trying to fix this, you ungrateful little...but she didn't let herself think the rest. She wouldn't stoop to his level.

The graveyard was eerily quite. Where was he? She had called him an hour ago.


"Hello Nottzo."

Back at home, Harvey cried for his father.

It was his grandmother, however, who picked him up and tossed him in the air.

"Just this once, you little shit," she cooed at the baby. But, of course, he just giggled, understanding nothing.

"What have you been saying around town?"

"Nothing, babe. I swear."

"I'm not 'babe'. There is no 'us'. Got it? You're delusional, and you're idiocy has screwed up my marrige -  to a guy I really like. Try and get that through your thick head. We are not, and never were, together."

"Why are you saying this, Babe. I thought we had something." He reached for her. She stepped back. 

"If I hear one more thing about 'us', I'll call the police and tell put a restraining order on you. I'll also call the paper and tell them about the little pimp ring you're running."

"What'r'ya talkin about. I ain't no pimp!"

"Well who do you think they're going to believe? Either way, you're reputation will be ruined, and you'll never be able to hold down a job again."

"Goodbye, Nottzo, and don't ever let me see your face again."

And that does it for this Episode, check back at your leisure to see what happens between Tom and Jade! Will he really leave her?!?!


  1. (Let's see if captcha will allow me to post this time)

    Men should not have ponytails. It's a crime against nature.

    Alright, I admit, I had long hair once, but grunge was the in thing at the time so at least I had an excuse.

    Have Tom cut Nottzo's ponytail off, that would make poida happy.

  2. ahahaha That will be his revenge >;D >;D
