Monday, September 3, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 11

Well the eve of the first day of school is here...and from what I can tell from her syllabus, my english teacher sounds like a real jackass. I'm not even gonna apologize for that. Anyway, there's some really sad music from a commercial playing on my TV downstairs right this might not be the happiest thing you've ever read.

Let us begin. 

So, where were we? Oh yea, Mint was pregnant...and spending some time with her dear brother by the looks of it.

The same brother who's painting skills had still not improved.

Meanwhile, Juniper and Eloy were visiting for the weekend, and everyone decided to throw Forest a surprise party for his birthday.

Everything pretty much went according to plan; Forest blew out his candles to moderate applause.

Then he was enveloped in sparkly dust, making some question his relation to the sims game, and not twilight.

Nevertheless, they had nothing to fear because Forest was just the same as ever, in his ole' braids and sports wear.

Heaju didn't seem to mind, however, and the two hit it off once again.

Just in time for a marriage proposal, too :D

See all that excitement, you would think she was going to say yes, right.

Haha, nope! Forest faced rejection once again, but this time he looked it in the eye and said no.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. She said yes.

The ceremony was a small one held that night. Haeju borrowed a dress from Jade and used her room to get ready.

Forest changed into his baby blue suit and looked nervous, but excited. Maybe he could finally get out from under his abusive family?

The bride confidently walked down the isle...

And they said their vows in the backyard that had already seen 2 other weddings.

Two rings later, and...

The couple were now officially married. 

Forest looked pretty happy, for once.

Haeju was too busy making eyes at Forest to notice Jade in the background, crying. Her little bro was growing up. (I don't know if you noticed this, but Jade was the only one who didn't yell at Forest.)

After the ceremony, Forest couldn't wait to leave the Haeju at the wedding arch, though. He had to answer nature's call, after all.

It wasn't completely wasted though, because  Haeju managed to intercept him on his way out the bathroom door. Lets just say he didn't get as much painting done that night as he would have liked.

And that brings a conclusion to this Episode. More actual drama to come next time (I checked my picture files to make sure) and I'll 'see' ya'll soon. (I swear I don't talk like that in real life...)

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