Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scraping the Sky : Prologue


Dear Diary,

Yea, it’s me. Lola Han. I’m a girl with a proper upbringing living it up in Bridgeport. Well, not really. You see, I just moved here and things haven’t been too easy. I haven’t been able to find a job and I can hardly bring myself to talk to anyone. They’re all so…wild. I don’t know…I’m not used to this sort of thing. Oh, well. I guess this serves me right for leaving my old life without a trace. I was miserable then, but I suppose I should have at least left a note. No matter. I take solace in my books and chess, the one thing I’m an absolute genius at. Huh, can’t think of anything else I want to write down.
See you. – Lola Han
P.S. Okay, so I’m not the best writer….

I sat at the kitchen table, my hand shaking from holding the book so long. If I wanted to make a career out of chess, as was my plan, I had better get my act together and learn some logic, Even if that meant staying up long into the night studying. The digital clock on my nightstand beeped. Midnight. I sighed and set book down.  I’ll leave the rest for tomorrow.

The next day, seeing as I was still a relatively new arrival in the apartment complex, a couple of neighbors came to visit. During my first few weeks, I quickly learned that here in Bridgeport, they’re big on welcomes. Just like I’m not big on remembering names…
A woman who had on a rather odd shirt came up, this time, and we chatted for a bit. She wasn’t exactly pretty, but one look at her chest told me that the men would be on her like flies on honey. After that, our conversation deteriorated and she watched a game on TV while I studied.

The weeks flew by; I hadn’t left my 
apartment in months. I’d enrolled at the local community college and had been working my butt off for the past three weeks at my online logic class; the only class I really cared about. I hadn’t been big on school when I was younger, either, but my parents insisted that I get all A’s and that I have proper manners. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with this…it’s just that they expected me to be studying at the kitchen counter when they got home from work every day and never allowed me to have time to myself. Even for friends. I don’t miss that part of my life at all, but I would have liked to have one, just one, friend.

Bridgeport sounded like just the place for me, with its bustling night life and towering skyscrapers. There was a time when I couldn’t wait to break free. 

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