Friday, April 8, 2011

Scraping the Sky : Chapter One

Scraping the Sky : Chapter One

Dear Diary,
Me again. The classes at the college are going well. All my hard work has finally paid off and I got an A in my logic class this term. I’m really proud of myself, seeing as that was no easy task. You know, I haven’t been to any of the clubs here in Bridgeport yet. I’ve gotten ahead of myself again. I don’t want this to turn out like my life back home.  Gosh, I’ve really got to stop spending so much time on my IQ and worry about my *SQ a bit more. Yea! This Girl’s going to have a social life. J
Famously Yours,
Lola Han.

I jumped in the elevator, ready for a night on the town. I had no idea what to expect and I loved it! Being spontaneous is a wondrous thing and I can’t imagine why I haven’t tried it before!
There I was, reading the Logic textbook, studying for my exams, when suddenly a thought came to me.
What am I doing in here, when I could be out there?

I admit, it wasn’t very brilliant, but I’m reveling in its simplicity. I’ve never had this kind of freedom before and I’m so excited I could just scream. Not that I’d want to do that because I’m in an elevator, of course. The echo would haunt me for days.
I got down to the lobby of my building and selected a name at random from a list of hot spots. The Brightmore it is!
I shook out my bun and let my hair loose in the strong summer wind that swept through the funnels of skyscrapers. I didn’t care about attracting looks as I took off my painful heels because the pavement was so blissfully cool on my bare feet. I ran, digging my toes into the lush dirt of the plantings along the sidewalk. Yes, it’s good to be free. 

I arrived at the club, after a few blocks, and decided it was probably in everyone’s interest if I used the bathroom on the first floor to wash up. After my initial excitement, I was starting to put things in perspective. The bouncer would never let me in if I turned up looking like a wild animal.
After I’d gotten my hair back in order, I went in the official looking door. *Yea, too much description* I even spotted a handsome face along the way, although I can’t say the same for his clothes… Wow, I haven’t really given much thought to a potential husband.  Anyway, we got in the elevator and that was the last I saw of him for the rest of the night. Some things were never meant to be. 

I had a great time at the club. I didn’t even have time to think about how tired I was. The bouncer let me in: no problem. I strolled through the velvet ropes like a queen. I was born to live like this. 

“Fried Chicken, extra hot sauce.” I was a pro. When the food came, I was surprised at how delicious it was! Now, I might have downed one drink too many, but I was feeling bubbly that night and I decided to hit the dance floor. 

Now, I’ve never been one for caged in places -- makes me feel claustrophobic – and that’s exactly what the dance floor at the Brightmore looked like. My eyes wandered across the hall and I noticed the VIP area, free of fences, and the bouncer had just gone on break. Now was my chance.

I picked myself up and dashed over there, hoping to sneak in unnoticed. I worked, no one saw a thing and I had free reign over the VIP section.

 I danced the night away with not a care in the world. (And Celebrities J)   
If this is freedom, than I’m reaping the benefits.


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