Wow! In light of my other post, this was a surprising response time. Hmmm...when I all but seemed to of sworn of sims for good...
Oh well...on to other things. Specifically: TRAFFIC SOURCES!!!!!!! *Cue dramatic music
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Time gets away from us...
To some people, it may have appeared that I had abandoned this blog. Now, that may seem a bit far fetched, even to me...but I was hard pressed to find something to begin this post with. Anyway, that aside, I have been busy with other, more important, things. What, you ask. What could be so important to you that you abandoned the sims!?!?! *Shocked face* Well, the truth of it all is: My grandfather has been in the hospital this ---- that's 999 285 6352. Call now to receive you FREE Big Fat Lie. Don't miss out on this good deal folks. Call now :D
But seriously now, all jokes off, how could marathons of Psych and Harry Potter sprees be More Important than sims? Answer: Because that's not all I've been doing. I've had to put TS3 on the back burner for a while now as I launched my latest, and first, business venture. Remember, it's .CO not .com. After all, we're not communists. So head on over and check it out. (all you'll find at that address is a blank page - no website put up yet) But if you wanted an explanation (And you wanted to see some of my ingenious slogans) Type into your browser or....thing on top where you put in addresses....(eh...) anyway: type in this: Remember: It's CO before com because cooperation always comes before communism. ;)
Have a nice day, night, twilight, dawn, dusk, corn husk -
Blogging faithfully, this is Ruby - signing off (Eventually) ;D
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
World Takeover...
MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With 140 page views and 2 followers, RUBY IS ALMOST AT WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh heh ...heh...................heh..............
There really was no other point to this post, was there.....
No, there wasn't. :D
^ Ruby having a conversation with herself at 4 AM.
There really was no other point to this post, was there.....
No, there wasn't. :D
^ Ruby having a conversation with herself at 4 AM.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
10 Things in a List
Well, it's been a while since I've posted. (Been busy with other thing such as staring at my computer screen.)
But anyway, until the weekend rolls around bringing with it a new chapter of scraping the sky, I bring you this list.
10 Reasons I Love the Sims but Hate EA. A list of no particular order and a misleading title: by Ruby.
1. (Lets start with something good) A sim is like your self, but better because it's made of pixels.
2. EA's marketing team. Nuff said. I mean really, it was 'accidentally leaked', really!?!??!
3. You can kill your sims 7 different ways....I think.
4. Lets have some patches here!
5. Sims can make you happy. I remember one day I was feeling extremely angry. I got on my computer, fired up TS3, and killed the whole town. Man, that felt good.
6. The TS3 website is completely nonfunctional.
7. I love building strange houses and creating villages from my imagination.
8. Well...this isn't really about EA...more about the nasty people on their stupid malfunctioning forums...
9. The TS3 community inspires me to be creative and outgoing. I am amazed at the work some of these people produce. Seriously.
10. Sadly, the simgurus do nothing to encourage this when they ban people simply for capitalizing words.
And thus ends my rant, as promised in the somewhat misleading title. Although I would have liked to have put more, I think I summed up all the fun stuff and the bad stuff in one list. (To put it plainly) Basically, TS3 relives stress, most of which was created by EA.
And now my rant is truly over and thus I sign off with these words of wisdom. (Actually from a site called words of wisdom O.o)
The purpose of life is to become happy. The purpose of life is to challenge and triumph over the darkness of misery.
I think that sums things up perfectly.
But anyway, until the weekend rolls around bringing with it a new chapter of scraping the sky, I bring you this list.
10 Reasons I Love the Sims but Hate EA. A list of no particular order and a misleading title: by Ruby.
1. (Lets start with something good) A sim is like your self, but better because it's made of pixels.
2. EA's marketing team. Nuff said. I mean really, it was 'accidentally leaked', really!?!??!
3. You can kill your sims 7 different ways....I think.
4. Lets have some patches here!
5. Sims can make you happy. I remember one day I was feeling extremely angry. I got on my computer, fired up TS3, and killed the whole town. Man, that felt good.
6. The TS3 website is completely nonfunctional.
7. I love building strange houses and creating villages from my imagination.
8. Well...this isn't really about EA...more about the nasty people on their stupid malfunctioning forums...
9. The TS3 community inspires me to be creative and outgoing. I am amazed at the work some of these people produce. Seriously.
10. Sadly, the simgurus do nothing to encourage this when they ban people simply for capitalizing words.
And thus ends my rant, as promised in the somewhat misleading title. Although I would have liked to have put more, I think I summed up all the fun stuff and the bad stuff in one list. (To put it plainly) Basically, TS3 relives stress, most of which was created by EA.
And now my rant is truly over and thus I sign off with these words of wisdom. (Actually from a site called words of wisdom O.o)
The purpose of life is to become happy. The purpose of life is to challenge and triumph over the darkness of misery.
I think that sums things up perfectly.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Scraping the Sky : Chapter One
Scraping the Sky : Chapter One
Dear Diary,
Me again. The classes at the college are going well. All my hard work has finally paid off and I got an A in my logic class this term. I’m really proud of myself, seeing as that was no easy task. You know, I haven’t been to any of the clubs here in Bridgeport yet. I’ve gotten ahead of myself again. I don’t want this to turn out like my life back home. Gosh, I’ve really got to stop spending so much time on my IQ and worry about my *SQ a bit more. Yea! This Girl’s going to have a social life. J
Famously Yours,
Lola Han.
I jumped in the elevator, ready for a night on the town. I had no idea what to expect and I loved it! Being spontaneous is a wondrous thing and I can’t imagine why I haven’t tried it before!
There I was, reading the Logic textbook, studying for my exams, when suddenly a thought came to me.
What am I doing in here, when I could be out there?
I admit, it wasn’t very brilliant, but I’m reveling in its simplicity. I’ve never had this kind of freedom before and I’m so excited I could just scream. Not that I’d want to do that because I’m in an elevator, of course. The echo would haunt me for days.
I got down to the lobby of my building and selected a name at random from a list of hot spots. The Brightmore it is!
I shook out my bun and let my hair loose in the strong summer wind that swept through the funnels of skyscrapers. I didn’t care about attracting looks as I took off my painful heels because the pavement was so blissfully cool on my bare feet. I ran, digging my toes into the lush dirt of the plantings along the sidewalk. Yes, it’s good to be free.
I arrived at the club, after a few blocks, and decided it was probably in everyone’s interest if I used the bathroom on the first floor to wash up. After my initial excitement, I was starting to put things in perspective. The bouncer would never let me in if I turned up looking like a wild animal.
After I’d gotten my hair back in order, I went in the official looking door. *Yea, too much description* I even spotted a handsome face along the way, although I can’t say the same for his clothes… Wow, I haven’t really given much thought to a potential husband. Anyway, we got in the elevator and that was the last I saw of him for the rest of the night. Some things were never meant to be.
I had a great time at the club. I didn’t even have time to think about how tired I was. The bouncer let me in: no problem. I strolled through the velvet ropes like a queen. I was born to live like this.
“Fried Chicken, extra hot sauce.” I was a pro. When the food came, I was surprised at how delicious it was! Now, I might have downed one drink too many, but I was feeling bubbly that night and I decided to hit the dance floor.
Now, I’ve never been one for caged in places -- makes me feel claustrophobic – and that’s exactly what the dance floor at the Brightmore looked like. My eyes wandered across the hall and I noticed the VIP area, free of fences, and the bouncer had just gone on break. Now was my chance.
I picked myself up and dashed over there, hoping to sneak in unnoticed. I worked, no one saw a thing and I had free reign over the VIP section.
I danced the night away with not a care in the world. (And Celebrities J)
If this is freedom, than I’m reaping the benefits.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I know I...
I know I shouldn't be happy but.....
Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 page views!!!!! Sorry...I'm just hugely unpopular so this is a big event for me. ;D
Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 page views!!!!! Sorry...I'm just hugely unpopular so this is a big event for me. ;D
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Daylight Dreamwalking.
Well, after 5 hours of writing stuff down with brown pen in a composition notebook, I'm finnaly ready to release my modeling comp. Be warned, there is a fair amount of writing involved too. Although I hope not too much. ;)
Anyway, here's the basic description of it. You can learn more here:

So go ahead, sign up. :D
Anyway, here's the basic description of it. You can learn more here:
So go ahead, sign up. :D
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Scraping the Sky : Prologue
The next day, seeing as I was still a relatively new arrival in the apartment complex, a couple of neighbors came to visit. During my first few weeks, I quickly learned that here in Bridgeport, they’re big on welcomes. Just like I’m not big on remembering names…
apartment in months. I’d enrolled at the local community college and had been working my butt off for the past three weeks at my online logic class; the only class I really cared about. I hadn’t been big on school when I was younger, either, but my parents insisted that I get all A’s and that I have proper manners. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with this…it’s just that they expected me to be studying at the kitchen counter when they got home from work every day and never allowed me to have time to myself. Even for friends. I don’t miss that part of my life at all, but I would have liked to have one, just one, friend.
Dear Diary,
Yea, it’s me. Lola Han. I’m a girl with a proper upbringing living it up in Bridgeport. Well, not really. You see, I just moved here and things haven’t been too easy. I haven’t been able to find a job and I can hardly bring myself to talk to anyone. They’re all so…wild. I don’t know…I’m not used to this sort of thing. Oh, well. I guess this serves me right for leaving my old life without a trace. I was miserable then, but I suppose I should have at least left a note. No matter. I take solace in my books and chess, the one thing I’m an absolute genius at. Huh, can’t think of anything else I want to write down.
See you. – Lola Han
P.S. Okay, so I’m not the best writer….
I sat at the kitchen table, my hand shaking from holding the book so long. If I wanted to make a career out of chess, as was my plan, I had better get my act together and learn some logic, Even if that meant staying up long into the night studying. The digital clock on my nightstand beeped. Midnight. I sighed and set book down. I’ll leave the rest for tomorrow.
A woman who had on a rather odd shirt came up, this time, and we chatted for a bit. She wasn’t exactly pretty, but one look at her chest told me that the men would be on her like flies on honey. After that, our conversation deteriorated and she watched a game on TV while I studied.
The weeks flew by; I hadn’t left my

Bridgeport sounded like just the place for me, with its bustling night life and towering skyscrapers. There was a time when I couldn’t wait to break free.
:( Sad face. I typed a whole chapter of my legacy and then pressed a wrong was gone in milliseconds. Oh well. You know, I'm starting over. This time will be my fourth attempt and I'm not going to do anything the traditional way. This time, it's going to be a story.
Anyway, I've been having a glitch. Randomly, money will be added to my sim's accounts. Just the other day, a little +$1000 came up on the screen and waved away. I was perplexed. My sim doesn't have a job, isn't a celebrity, and only knows 3 people. Anyone else have this problem?
To conclude, What do you think of Daylight Dreamwalking as a name for my modeling competition?
Anyway, I've been having a glitch. Randomly, money will be added to my sim's accounts. Just the other day, a little +$1000 came up on the screen and waved away. I was perplexed. My sim doesn't have a job, isn't a celebrity, and only knows 3 people. Anyone else have this problem?
To conclude, What do you think of Daylight Dreamwalking as a name for my modeling competition?
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