Thursday, March 10, 2011


Yanno, Zero is a funny letter- I mean number. It's null, void. Nothing. Nadda. If I has Zero Oranges, how many oranges do I has....none.

Which is why i'm so overjoyed with emotion when I read: 0 comments,  that I laugh my socks off. Not really...

And just while were clearing things up, I want to make a point: Pants don't spontaneously combust. I looked that one up in the dictionary. (I was actually looking up 'Knobby', but that's besides the point.) And I just happened across Spontaneous combustion written at the top of the page.  It's a chemical unless you have some mysterious liquids in your pants (What have you been eating lately?!?!?!), it's pretty impossible for your pants to spontaneously catch on fire.

Which brings me to my other point: nursery rhymes. What are they, really? Happy-Go-Lucky songs masquerading as children's tails? NO, I don't think so.

Liar, Liar, Pants on fire.  Wrong. Your pants can't catch on fire just like that. Then again, when In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. I used to think the earth was flat.

And finally, I hope you didn't not understand this post. Because I sure as combustablepants didn't. :D


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