Sunday, March 6, 2011


Well, I did this bit for a writing Comp.


My alarm went off at 6Am. I can’t remember the dream I was having; only that it was way too early to be getting up. I sat up groggily and carted myself to the bathroom.

I felt better after splashing a couple handfuls of water on my face, but it didn’t help the pimple that had just cropped up on my nose. Of all the things to happen to me on the first day of school, I get a zit. Great.

So much for peace and quiet, I thought as my little brother came charging down the stairs. I had just poured myself a bowl of cereal and was slowly crunching my way through it. I sighed, not much ever happened in my life anyway.

Less than a minute later, the bus honked and I grabbed my backpack and dashed out the door. I wouldn’t be good if I had to have my mom drive me to the first day of high school.

I got on the bus and quickly spotted my two best friends in a seat together. I slouched over and plopped down in the seat across from them.

“Hey Jessica, Amber. First day of school, huh?” I said.

“Yea, and you wouldn’t bet how crazy my morning’s been, Sylvia!” Amber gushed. It was like I had pulled the plug on the Amber tub and she just couldn’t stop talking. “First, I had to pick out my outfit and apply my make-up. And let me tell you, LorĂ©l make-up does not come cheap!”

I was too caught up in the drama of Amber’s life, so I didn’t notice when a tan boy with sandy hair got on the bus. He brushed past me on his way to the seat behind me and I shivered as his skin touched mine.

I quickly dug inside my backpack for a post-it and scribbled a note to Amber and Jessica. It read: OMG! Seat behind me, sooo cute!!!! *dispose of note*

They promptly turned around and stared at him.

“Uhhhh….Hi. I’m Jake….why are you staring at me???” I could have slapped myself. I wrote another note: Be discreet!!!!    

Amber muttered something about being accused of something she didn’t do and shot me an ‘OMG’ stare. I shot her an ‘I know!!!’ stare and we looked at Jessica. She was still staring. Amber and I almost fell off our seats laughing.

Jake was looking at me kind of strangely, so I bit my lip and said, “Hi, I’m Sylvia. I’m a freshman, how ‘bout you?” I eagerly awaited his answer.

“Yea…me too.”

“Are you new?” This time it was Jessica speaking. It was a small town and we had gone to school with the same people since kindergarten.

“Yea. I just moved from London.” That was weird, I thought. He didn’t have an accent. “But I’ve lived in America since I was two years old. We just move around a lot because of my Dad’s job.”

“Cool…what does he do?”

“He works in the secret service…its secret, so I can’t tell you anything else.” He said with a smile playing around his lips.

I laughed. I couldn’t help it; it was funny. Amber and Jessica looked at me like I was a lunatic. “What?” I protested, “It was funny…” Jessica shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“Is there something I’m not getting here?” Jake asked, looking back and forth between us. “Oh, wait, I forgot. All girls have some sort of secret code.” He looked at me. “But don’t worry; I’m good at cracking codes.”

Amber and I exchanged a look. OMG! Was he flirting with me?  I didn’t have time to find out because at that moment, the bus pulled up at the school.

“Everybody out!” The  bus driver called, and we gathered up our backpacks and waited to disembark.
Jake somehow got out before me, so I was right behind him on the steps. I didn’t notice that my lunch bag had gotten stuck on the railing and before I knew it, I was falling towards the pavement.

Then, strong arms were supporting me and I was lifted up and set on my feet. I looked up. It was Jake. I blushed.

“Thank you.” I muttered and we walked into school together. Amber and Jessica trailed behind, scheming.
When we got inside, the office secretary directed us all to the gym to receive our new schedules. On the way there, I dropped my books on the floor. Not on purpose, but I’m not saying anything. Just as planned, Jake picked them up.

“Your pretty….” He said something else but I couldn’t hear it because of the blood rushing by my ears.

“I said: Your pretty clumsy.” He handed me my books with a knowing smile.

“Oh” I said, and just then I knew that we were going to get along fine, more than fine if I could help it. And so as we picked up our schedules, I thought: The first day of school couldn’t be better. And I walked off to my locker.

The End

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