Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Genietics Challenge Episode 19

***Warning: This chapter is so full of cliches you might actually explode. ***

I was getting out of bed, preparing for my first day of senior year, when it hit me. 

I thought I knew who I was. I was Harvey Lemon-Lime, right?? But the very fact that I was questioning that, made me think it wasn't true. I wasn't that weird kid in the brown lipstick who stayed home all day taking care of his baby brothers. No. I was more than that. 

But how much more, well...that I didn't know yet. 

Senior year and my best friend -- my only friend -- was Kate Hollinder. She was funny, smart, beautiful, but I felt only friendship towards her, and it confused me. I couldn't think of a reason why I shouldn't have a massive crush on her...unless....no..

Was I that different from everybody else? It was time to find out once and for all. I called Kate up for a friendly sleepover one night to settle the issue.

We were sitting on the couch watching TV, when I brought the subject up. 
"Kate, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen -- why don't. I like. you?"

She looked at me for a minute. Really looked at me, and finally answered, "Maybe you're not barking up the 'beautiful' tree."

"You mean..."

"Yea, but before I say anything, what do you think I mean?"

"I think it means that maybe I am barking up the wrong tree. Maybe I need to see a deeper meaning. Maybe I'm-"

"Gay," Kate blurted out. She smacked two hands over her mouth, looking at me with wide eyes, "oops."

To Be Continued... 
(oh, and enjoy your christmas, everyone! :) )


  1. A young Boy George clone who could possibly be gay...

    Colour me unsurprised.

    (I love screwing with the captcha and getting the second word deliberately wrong)

  2. Thanks, I was going for grotesquely predictable. I get my tips from ABC Family.

    (Does it still work if you do that?)

    1. I'm afraid I don't know who the ABC family are. Am I missing anything?

      With captcha, you only need to get the wavy word correct. The other word (or in recent cases, pictures of house numbers) are simply things google is trying to decode from scans of old newspapers and books (Yes, I'm being an asshat by deliberately screwing them up. It's the internet, being a jerk is mandatory)

  3. Well, it's an American television network associated with the whole 'ABC' cluster. I'm not sure who they're owned by...

    But if you watch any of their stuff, you can actually predict what's going to happen without watching any of it or knowing the backstory...etc...

    And it's not just plot predictable, it's down-to-the-last-word predictable. I am not kidding, Poida. If you're ever in the business for bad TV, look no further than ABC family.

    (I am going to go to your blog and post a bunch of comments, just to try that out. >;D)

  4. oh my gosh I just got so addicted to this, I'm sad there isn't more to read.

  5. I am writing it as we speak :D
