Saturday, March 9, 2013

Genetics Challenge: Episode 20

So, I'm back from Rome! It was really nice weather and I took a number of grainy photos of the colosseum at night from a moving bus, so I'd call it a success! I think I'd like to go back eventually...threw my penny into the fountain and everything.

Anyway, on to the episode, which I've actually had written for a couple months now... I have no good excuses, so I'm just going to cite life as the reason for the recent hiatus. Enjoy :)

“Do you really think I’m gay?” I didn’t know weather to be surprised or angry, “Is it because of the clothes I wear?”  

She gave up trying to act like nothing had happened and looked at me, “Well, yea. I mean, look at you Harvey; you don’t even own underwear that isn’t pink-”

“Pink is a manly color!”

“-and I can’t remember the last time you had a girlfriend, if ever! I don’t think you’re that shy, or you wouldn’t even be talking to me! I mean, when was the last time you talked to a guy? Someone who isn’t in your own family,” She interjected before I could protest.
I decided to go with anger. Who was she to tell me who I was? Who was she to blatantly apply all sorts of stereotypes to my life? Who was she to assume I was gay based on who I did and did not talk to? There was a reason I only ever talked to her...

“BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE OTHER GUYS, I DON’T EVEN LIKE OTHER GIRLS. THE ONLY GIRL I LIKE IS YOU-,” I got up to leave, quickly losing steam, but determined to press on, “The reason I invited you over was to tell you that I’ve decided to go to art school. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I called. I didn’t even know five minutes ago. But now I’ve made up my mind. Why should I stay when there’s nothing for me, here. I can see that now, so...thank you. Now if you’d kindly let yourself out.”

She looked at me, stunned, and, for a moment, I regretted what I’d just said. It didn’t matter now, though. The truth was out and nothing I could do would put it back in.

She got up and walked toward the door, avoiding my eyes. The tension in the room was almost tangible. She spoke just before she reached the door. “You’re wrong,” She paused, her footsteps no longer making imprints on the carpet; I could feel her breath, hot, on my neck, “there is something for you here.”

And she was gone.

 (To be continued...)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, i have read it all this morning, i really want you to continue. Have you gave up? Please say no :D
