Saturday, December 22, 2012


Okay, It is now winter break, finally, and I've got a lot on the agenda for getting...stuff...done. Wow, my english teachers are rolling over in their graves.

Anyway, here are all the things I am not going to get done, but say that I am because I like to pretend that I'm a productive member of society.

-Episode 19-24 screenshots.
-Episode 19-20, released.
-Install some ep's which I suspect I may be getting for Christmas.... we'll see.
-A video for NASA (it's a resume thing)
-A shopping spree for Rome
- More things that are completely irrelevant.
-I'm not dead, I swear.
-So...the world didn't end. Shame.
-There was one more thing I wanted to add to this list, but I forgot. Dammit.

Happy Holidays everyone! If you didn't see the Lemon-Limes' holiday video in the previous post, I'll be telling dirty secrets about you to your significant other until you do.


P.S: I have a cold.

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