Sunday, October 14, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 16

Hello and welcome to Episode 16, as you all know, since you've read every single episode up till now...right!??! -- anyway, as you all know, I like to write a funny blurb at the top...tell a few jokes. You know, the usual. Well today, I bring you three words: Fried Jumpers. Areprettygood. What can I say, it's late....

(See what I did there...a wild ryhme rhyme appears)

So what else is new, Harvey asked for a bedtime story, and Mint responded as she always responds to requests for bedtime stories; with anger and hate. 

Needless to say, Harvey didn't sleep very well. When he got up, it was time for his first day of school. He found a sweater vest and a nice pair of Khakis all laid out for him, but something didn't feel right. It wasn't him

Tom wanted - for more children, that is. He needed he needed his blood. How will he satisfy his desires?

No, not that way. This, by the way is the new maid. The old one ran off with a wealthy widow and was never heard from yea, they have a new maid.

Chiquita, wanting to spend more time with her family, was anxiously circling the toilet, hoping Forest didn't find her in his house, and hoping no one was in need of the bathroom for quite a while.

She got to hang out with her new extended family; her parent's had had a new litter of kittens. They had horribly mundane names, though, so I can't be bothered to remember them ;)

*Cute* *cute*

She also spent a few hours creeping around Juniper's house to no avail - Juniper had things ta do, and left right away. That meant there was no where left to go but home. Chiquita returned, tired, and pining for attention.

But attention was not to be had because Jade gave birth to not one...

But two baby boys. Their names are Kane and Dervish (see what I mean about the boring names) and they're they don't really do much besides whine and cry. Tom and ade obviously had better things to be doing.

*Claws out, buttercup*

Chiquita attempted to catch her next meal fresh...she did not succeed. Next time, rat. Next time.

*Whhhaaaaaa* See, what did I tell you?

Not again... 

Speaking of cases...this is the police department...

And this is Harvey, back from his time in jail. God, Harvey, you fell too hard. Next time, conduct your quest for who you are in a more unsavory neighborhood, will you!

"Hi, I'm Tom, and this is rent-a-baby."

And that does it for this episode. Tune in next week, or whenever you really feel like it (no pressure if you're deathly ill or anything) for more from the Majestic Daily lives of the Lemon-Lime Family. They're pretty perfect, if you know what I mean. (*no, that's not what I mean, you sicko's) 

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