Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I do apologize for not updating this week...last night/yesterday, the US was hit with one of the worst storms, well, ever. I have not had reliable access to electricity, either, so, while I'm trying my best to get something up, it's going to have to wait until next week.

I hope your all safe and that your ...stuff... wasn't too badly damaged.

-Ruby :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Genetics Episode 17

And in a pipe she files to the motherland
or sells love to another man
it's too cold outside
for angels to fly....

As you can probably tell I've been absolutely obsessed with Ed Sheeran, so don't be surprised if this story takes a turn for the romantic next generation :D

Anyway, on to whatever you want to call this crazy thing I call a challenge. :) CHAPTER 17!!

So,  Jade has been busy - loosing the baby weight, that is. She recently gained a little more than a few pounds, and, in an athletic rage, took to the treadmill for 12 hours straight. 

She did like her kids, though. As much as those things can be liked.

She even let Kane sit in the garden for a little while. And it was most definitely not because he was great at screaming his head off at the turn of every hour.

"Oh great, just my luck -- another one of you" Mint scowled. First the little screamer, and now the little whiner. What did he want this time, and where in god's name was Jade? Wasn't she supposed to be taking care of the little bugger? "I won't, under any circumstances, read you a bed time story, if that's what you're here for."

He imitated her. "I won't under any circumstances..."

"You've crossed the wrong river, buddy," Mint said in a dangerous tone of voice. She thought back to her history major and how Cesar had crossed the Rubicon, invading Rome and winning. This would not be one of those times, she vowed. She would have to do something - a stern talking to wasn't going to cut it, but what?

On the other side of the house, the shower lay abandoned... it was massage time between Jade and Tom. Naturally, just being around water made Tom feel more relaxed (given his history), but massages after a hard day swimming in the olympic sized pool at work were hard to beat. Especially if they were being given by your sweat pant clad wife whilst you were shirtless.

Soon enough, reality called, though, and Jade left to tend to her boys. They had, by now, grown into stinky toddlers, but there was nothing to be done about the smell aside from get used to it.

Speaking of smells, Jade! Have you been going a little heavy on the onions or something? Is it beans? Oh, you're pregnant.... (yep...she's preggers again, seeing as none of the children are genetically perfect...meh it's going to be a long road to the end)

Here's a baby, passed out on the floor next to a crib...

Here's the other one...being neglected as babies usually are in the Lemon-Lime household. 

In the meantime, allow me to introduce you to THE PACEMAKER - A PERFECT GARDEN FOR A PERFECT INDIVIDUAL!!! (It's Mint, by the way. I decided to give her a garden exclusively to grow and breed her perfect plants in. It's separate from her commercial garden.)

"Gah! Mommy, I fwink shomones washing us"

"I can't understand you, honey."

"But I muu go! By peeple! Dey are carrring to beh!

And I too, must go! So long, keep those feels under control, and I shall see you all in the next episode! BYYYYE

Edit: haha...yea, I forgot their names there...but I've remembered now! Dervish and Kane...I honestly can't tell which one's which, but you'll find out in subsequent chapters.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 16

Hello and welcome to Episode 16, as you all know, since you've read every single episode up till now...right!??! -- anyway, as you all know, I like to write a funny blurb at the top...tell a few jokes. You know, the usual. Well today, I bring you three words: Fried Jumpers. Areprettygood. What can I say, it's late....

(See what I did there...a wild ryhme rhyme appears)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Election 2012

"This post has gotten a little off topic. I guess it’s just because I can’t believe that this is still an issue. I can’t believe that we still see someone simply as black or white, and not just as human. I was raised by parents who taught me that everyone was equal. That your race meant very little in the scheme of things. That your race might define your culture, and that’s great, but it would never define your abilities or character. So I don’t look at that anymore. I look at candidates’ ideas, beliefs, and intent much, much more than I look at the color of their skin.
Of course, it was a huge achievement that Obama was the first African American to get elected President. I celebrated along with everyone else, because that kind of change is groundbreaking. But now, we should be able to move on. Elect Asians, women, gays. I don’t care. I just want someone to run my country and have some dignity while they do it.
So now that I’ve run around in circles, I guess all I have to say is this: get over it, America. Get over your prejudices, your preconceived notions, your stereotypes. Get over it and vote. And give each other a hug, while you’re at it.

-Cappy @ Writer's Block (Her wordpress blog)

That was taken from a post about the American, 2012, election for president. I completely agree with this statement and the reason I haven't said something like it is because she's written it so much better. I'm not suddenly becoming a political blog about a country you don't live in, so don't worry. :) I just have opinions...strong ones. SO keep calm and carry on; check back next week for more things sims. (Unless you're having an all day breakfast, in which case you are excused, you classy bastard, you.)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 15

You thought I was assassinated and tossed off the face of the Earth? You thought wrong! Ahahahahahah!

Anyway, in all seriousness, I know it's been a while and I am sorry for that, but I'm planning on making some free time for myself so I can get some quality time with my sims for you guys :D

Episode 15, then. Shall we?

She waited for him, on the bed they once shared...waiting for him to get up. There were so many things she wanted to say, she didn't know where to start. She sighed, as Tom's deep breaths lessened, a sign that he was waking up.

"I wanted to say I'm-"

"No. I'm sorry."

And then she was in his arms and...and...everything was okay again.

"I'm sorry I overreacted. I can't even begin to put it into words...but...I realized that you really did love me and that it was I who...doubted our marriage. I doubted my love for you, and for that...I am so, so sorry."

"Shhh"And Jade kissed him.

And then some other things happened, but I won't really go into any detail about them.

Meanwhile, Harvey was out in the yard, as usual, being neglected. I swear, social services is just going to show up at their door one day and I won't even be surprised.

So Tom and Jade were back together, and that meant good things. Specifically for the genetics challenge because...

Jade had some more babies to pop out. :D

She also had some thank you cards to send for the wedding that seemed so long ago.

The next day, to get the family's spirits up, Mint decide they should all go and have a visit with Forest and his new family. They arrived to find that his house, for starters, was a lot nicer than their house...which was....interesting.

Inside, they found his wife with their new baby, Bonnie.

And because I was curious, I aged Bonnie up to see what she would look like. Not bad...She takes after her mother, thankfully. 


Daisy and Chiquita had some fun times sniffing each other and just generally playing around. They must have missed each other more than I thought.

You know, maybe I was wrong about Mint, having 3 children of her own seems to have euthanized her to the offending child in her arms. That's Ahmazing!

But you know, when your over near somebody else's garden, you might as well take advantage of their money trees. I mean, the baby can't talk, so there's no one to tell on you. Ehehehehe.

Jade and her bother had a fun time catching up, as well. He asked how things were going: She skirted around the question because things had a history of not going so fine. She asked how his family was doing, and he said fine, pretending like he'd had more than 3 hours of sleep last night on account of a screaming baby. Yup, just a regular old conversation between siblings. 

Soon enough, however, they ran out of things to talk about. Thus, Jade headed for the sprinklers and Forest...

started yet another bad painting.

Oh god, I have once again neglected Harvey, so he aged up on his own with only the baby sitter as company.

At least he doesn't look like Forest. At least he doesn't look like Forest.

And I leave you with this picture of Chiquita resting on the bureau in Forest's bedroom...because she really didn't want to leave that place, even after everyone went home and the shadows across the garden turned to night.