Sunday, November 18, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 18

Oh god...yes, you guys can come to my house and hit me over the head with a brick. It's been about four weeks, I think...and I have no excuse for the past two. GAH! But, yey, I'm back. And on the plus side, even though I didn't get much footage today because of game issues, next week is thanks giving break, so I'm planning out a Big ol' thing us writers like to call 'plot'. So yea, definitely look forward to that.

Hurricane sandy was nice. I mean, It wasn't too bad in my area (They closed school for three days because of power, but mwahaha: mine came back on before anyone else's >:D)

But my god, lets do the Episode now, because who wants to read all of that ^^???

Right, so let's start off with Harvey's birthday, and a page break.

Normal kid, right?

Normal teenager, right?


Think again, losers, Harvey Lemon-Lime has arrived. And yes, he brought his sass with him. (You're welcome, everybody)

I designed a sassy classy new room for him (This used to be forest's room. Funny, how it's inhabitants always seem to be rather odd.)

MymyMMhhhmm. There he his, Harvey, getting into bed with his red underpants. This guy's gonna have no problem finding a man. 

And there he is again! Mr. Sass himself, not very happy about being asked to take care of the twins while their parents have a snog in the background.

"Sorry 'bout that. You know how your mum gets sometimes."


Jade, meanwhile, has been stuffing herself on salad for the duration of her pregnancy, so I was not surprised when this happened.

The twins were just aging up, and everyone was gathered in the nursery when...

Dmmit Jade, now's not a good time.

She gave birth to another, genetically imperfect, baby boi. His name is Emmy, but more on him later. (Much later. In fact, not even in this episode.)

Jade held the new baby in her arms for the first and last time, temporarily forgetting what was going on around her. Babies were kinda nice sometimes, she decided.

Several new bedrooms were also added to the family home, seeing as I couldn't keep cramming everyone into the nursery.

(An outside view of the new room for the twins)

What did I tell you. In your arms one day, aging up the next.

"Dammit not again."

(Yes, I know, It's rather short, but I promise, something longer will be coming very soon.) I hope you enjoyed! Check back next week for more laughs and funnsies. (oh god, I'm never using that word again)


  1. Yes, I know, It's rather short, but I promise, something longer will be coming very soon

    My mind went to the wrong place when I read that.

    Good to see you back. There seems to have been a distinct lack of activity by a lot of people recently. Must be the time of the year.

    Da fuq did you do to Harvey? It's like some young, hipster/Boy George hybrid... seriously, that's terrifying.

    And he sleeps with his glasses on. Nothing unusual there.

  2. Harvey gets "better" Just wait... I'm having a lot of problems with my game at the moment, something along the lines of loosing a lot of I'm transferring to a new save...or at least I'm trying too.
