Thursday, April 5, 2012

EA; the Worst Company in America

Credit do to DruscillaPenney on the forums for saying this in regards to EA's worst company in the USA status.

"EA will ignore this poll. They don't care about their customers one little bit. Never have, never will. But here's some things you should know. 

The Consumerist is a very popular well regarded web site associated with Consumer Reports and they mainly post articles about companies with little regards for their customers. Unlike some gaming sites that continually sing EA's praises, they accept no advertising. 

Some mention Bank of America should have won. Bank of America has won in previous years along with many other large companies. And I'm sure they will be there next year. EA has always managed to fly under the radar because they are "only a gaming company". This is despite the fact that they are one of the worst companies in the U.S. If any other company pulled some of the shenanigans that EA does, it would be front page news. 

Those who think this result was solely because of Sims Players are badly mistaken. As a matter of fact. On the other hand, some gamers have to share some of the blame for supporting companies with such horrendous business practices. I gave up on the Sims two expansion packs ago and haven't even installed the last one I bought. I will never buy another EA Game until they begin to show that they care about those who purchase their games. 

Their response to this award proves they have learned nothing. Most of this can be traced to the leader of the band so to speak. It's pretty bad when your only response is to point the finger elsewhere and say "but gee, those guys are worse." 

EA may be a gaming company, but their business practices have infected the whole gaming industry. Quality and Customer service are not in EA's vocabulary. 

And last, they can lock this thread. That's always their answer. But sooner or later this total disregard for consumers will catch up to them. 

And one last thing. The Consumerist actually does award the trophies. Only one company has accepted it with the attitude that they would improve. We'll see if EA is man enough to accept theirs when they send it out.  "

SnowyMist7 said this: 

"I find it ironic how we are using their forums to talk trash about them. But nevertheless, there's a reason why they won't take the forums down. No matter how tempting it may be to get rid of these things, they can't afford to. You know why? Because it's marketing. They need to keep up their image, as well. If they took the forums down, they would loose most of their base. Because EA is like a drug, and they know it. 

We can talk all we want on here, who cares, it's just that-talk! The internet hasn't actually done us any good, has it? Well, until now. We voted EA the worst company, but what's a gaming giant like them going to do about something that only a handful of people know about in the first place? They'll maybe put out a press release-maybe. But more likely they'll brush it off and go back to doing what they do best-selling you (us) stuff.

Because we are addicted. The game is cool- there's nothing really like it out there. They use it to reel you in. They include money and "free simpoints" to buy stuff on here... and then you discover the exchange and the forums and you're hooked. No-reeled in. You make friends and you're assimilated into the community. And that's why a lot of us don't leave- because we've made a second home here. We can't quit because we're addicted. We keep buying they're products because we still have a little bit of hope, that someday, any-day, EA will repent. Maybe it will be the next time? They never do.

So when one person actually manages to get off EA (as a drug), it doesn't make much of a difference because there will always be another 12 year old waiting to be sucked in. And that's why they don't care about us. When you're first starting out, you know that one customer could be the difference between success and failure. Well now EA's got millions, and they can afford to loose one or two...or fifty. 

The only thing that's going to get them off they're fat ****'s and into action is to bring them into the public eye. Yea, the people who don't give a **** about video games. When you're in the business to make money, the logical way to get back at them is to take their money away, right? Well, yes, eventually. But all we really need to do is to make them scared...and to make them think that we're going to take away they're money. We might actually succeed, but the point is to make an impact; to remind them that we're real people. 

We can't make them get off their high horses until we get off ours and protest what they're doing. Giving them the award for worst business isn't going to last long. 

Just look around: look at the occupy protests. Look at women's suffrage (though that was a rather long time ago). Look at, even, the Tea Party. They all got up off their ***** and did something: however small (or large). We can do something too. We need to show them that we're people. And we won't stand for this any longer. 

So go ahead, make a Twitter tag. Call it #DownWithEAGames. but go, yes-physically go- to one, or many, of EA's building's. Bring banners, shout: WE ARE PEOPLE, TOO! AND WE DO DESERVE SOME RESPECT. Maybe if we make news, or spread the word outside of our community, then maybe we can make a difference and bring change. 

There IS something else we can do besides not buying the games: WE CAN DO SOMETHING! WE CAN PROTEST! WE ARE WHAT THEY'VE GOT NOW, AND WE NEED TO SHOW THEM THAT WE MEAN BUSINESS!" 

Please Spread the Word! Please share this. We CAN do something! 

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