“Lily, darling, do you want to come with us to park? We’re advocating animal rights today. “
“Not today, Mum, I have a job interview and I can’t afford not to look professional. It’s an interview after all.”
“You know I’m all for you getting a job and all, but please, just relax....and peace out. It’s all about peace.”
“And tye-dye, apparently.” Lily commented on her mother’s clothes. “Mother, I’ve told you again and again, the movement just isn’t for me. I want to be a business woman, not a hippie. Not that there isn’t anything wrong with that, just that, it’s not for me.”
“Alright, well, suit yourself. Oh, and good luck. We’ll be back by six.”
“Kay, Bye.”
*present day*
Mrs. Padmore presented Lily with a letter. “Since you’ve turned 18, we can’t keep you here anymore. We’ll miss you a great deal, and while you’re still an orphan, you are your own orphan now. This is a letter from your mother. She left it here with me before she died a couple years back. I think it’s time you read it.”
My Dearest Daughter,
I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I know that the end it near, because I can’t seem to feel my legs anymore, and goodness they’re is so much blood. But if you are healthy and strong, than it was worth it. You are named, Lily, for your grandmother. She was a strong woman, who fought for our rights and lived a wonderful life. She left behind an estate; the house on which has been torn down, but I thought it right that I should inform you seeing as you will soon be an orphan and have no where to go. If you should want to live there, it is yours. I love you very much, and If there is a heaven, you can take comfort in that I am in a paradise now. There is not much time, but I wanted to say something that your grandmother used to say all the time: Honey, we are Andersons’ and we are professional. We are fortunate, and we shall one day live like kings. And if we do not, we shall act like we do because it is our right as human beings.
There is not much time now, and I feel myself going, but please take my words to heart. These are the last that I shall ever say, or write, to you and I want you to remember me by them. I love you, Lily.
Cecelia Anderson (Mum)
“Oh my. Mrs. Padmore, why didn’t you give me this before?”
“I felt it was only fitting that you should be reminded of where you came from just when you were about to go off in the world.”
“Thank you, I will miss you too!” They hugged, and then Lily Anderson grabbed her one suitcase that contained everything she owned before stepping out of the orphanage and into the bright new world.
Chapter One

Everyday, without fail, Lily would get up at 6, take a quick shower, eat some ceral and catch the carpool to work. She was a very hard worker, though, and by the end of week one, she had earned three promotions. Her salary was considerably better, but her stress levels were not. She had taken to going to bed rather early, and not doing anything else but sleep. It was on one of those nights that everything changed.

“Come here, little horsie.” No such luck, the horse ran away, back to where ever it came from, leaving Lily to wonder weather she’d ever see it again. “Oh well,” she thought, and trudged back to her bed.
When the weekend came, Lily decided to meet up with some of her co-workers, she would be working with them for the next 10 years, after all, and it was good to befriend them. Iquz Alivi was waiting for her when she arrived, he was the only one who had shown up and he had brought his family.

They spent the day laughing together and telling ghost stories and they both left for home with a considerably better friendship then they had when they got there. Maybe this job isn’t so bad, Lily thought.

She still missed the horses, though, if there was more money and more time, she would have a horse. But there wasn’t. Even when she was a little girl at the orphanage there wasn’t ever enough.
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