Saturday, March 9, 2013

Genetics Challenge: Episode 20

So, I'm back from Rome! It was really nice weather and I took a number of grainy photos of the colosseum at night from a moving bus, so I'd call it a success! I think I'd like to go back eventually...threw my penny into the fountain and everything.

Anyway, on to the episode, which I've actually had written for a couple months now... I have no good excuses, so I'm just going to cite life as the reason for the recent hiatus. Enjoy :)

“Do you really think I’m gay?” I didn’t know weather to be surprised or angry, “Is it because of the clothes I wear?”  

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Genietics Challenge Episode 19

***Warning: This chapter is so full of cliches you might actually explode. ***

I was getting out of bed, preparing for my first day of senior year, when it hit me. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Heh heh heh...

I've just had an epiphany  I can't reveal much, but I've finally found a way to make Harvey's life a whole lot better.

HAHAHA YES! This is too good. Goodbye writer's block!!!!11!!! Mwhahaha!

Edit: Dammit. Today's sunday. Well, the update's going to be coming in the early hours of monday morning, then. (No. Don't even go there -_- ) Once again, Happy Christmas Holidays, everybody!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Okay, It is now winter break, finally, and I've got a lot on the agenda for getting...stuff...done. Wow, my english teachers are rolling over in their graves.

Anyway, here are all the things I am not going to get done, but say that I am because I like to pretend that I'm a productive member of society.

-Episode 19-24 screenshots.
-Episode 19-20, released.
-Install some ep's which I suspect I may be getting for Christmas.... we'll see.
-A video for NASA (it's a resume thing)
-A shopping spree for Rome
- More things that are completely irrelevant.
-I'm not dead, I swear.
-So...the world didn't end. Shame.
-There was one more thing I wanted to add to this list, but I forgot. Dammit.

Happy Holidays everyone! If you didn't see the Lemon-Limes' holiday video in the previous post, I'll be telling dirty secrets about you to your significant other until you do.


P.S: I have a cold.

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

This is me, apologizing in advance for the terrible quality. :) Merry Christmas, Happy holidays!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Genetics Challenge Episode 18

Oh god...yes, you guys can come to my house and hit me over the head with a brick. It's been about four weeks, I think...and I have no excuse for the past two. GAH! But, yey, I'm back. And on the plus side, even though I didn't get much footage today because of game issues, next week is thanks giving break, so I'm planning out a Big ol' thing us writers like to call 'plot'. So yea, definitely look forward to that.

Hurricane sandy was nice. I mean, It wasn't too bad in my area (They closed school for three days because of power, but mwahaha: mine came back on before anyone else's >:D)

But my god, lets do the Episode now, because who wants to read all of that ^^???

Right, so let's start off with Harvey's birthday, and a page break.